About us

Kevin S. Lee
Founder and President of K3C Ventures
K3C Ventures is a teaching and discipleship ministry. Kevin has served as pastor of discipleship at Crossroads Bible Church and as associate pastor of congregational care at Destiny Christian Fellowship, Fremont, Ca., with Paul Sheppard.
K3C VENTURES is committed to life change by ENCOURAGING the lost, EQUIPPING believers, EN-VITING leaders to serve, ENGAGING the local Church, and En-VENTING new ways to enter the world.
K3C VENTURES reaches people with the love and grace of God in Jesus. (Matthew 28:19-20) We want to encourage people to understand their Divine Design and live out their faith in God everyday.
K3C VENTURES teaches believers the importance of God’s Word in their lives and helps them become self-feeders and kingdom builders who make Christ followers. (2 Timothy 2:15)
K3C VENTURES envites people to become all God has created them to be and to fulfill His purpose by using their time, talents, and treasures to serve in ministry in order to win more people to Christ. We envite people to reach their full leadership potential through faithful service here, there, and everywhere. (1 Corinthians 12)
We Engage the local Church to fulfill its mission and God's vision. (Matt. 28:18-20)
We En-Vent new ways to connect with the world to reach the lost because "[t]he fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and whoever captures souls is wise.” (Proverbs 11:30)
To come alongside the local Church to make and multiply Christ followers in the Bay Area and across the world.
You play an invaluable role in helping K3C Ventures live out its mission and vision!
Kevin has served as mobilization pastor at Venture Christian Church, Los Gatos, Ca., with Chip Ingram and as an associate pastor alongside Paul Sheppard at Abundant Life Christian Fellowship, Mountain View, Ca. Kevin has served more than 20 years in ministry. Prior to ministry, Kevin worked in the legal profession for several prominent law firms and judges on the east and west coast.
Kevin earned his B. S. degree in Criminal Justice from Northeastern University, Boston, Ma. He earned his Juris Doctorate degree from D. C. School of Law, Washington, D.C. He also earned his Master of Divinity degree, graduating with honors, from Fuller Theological Seminary.
Kevin has worked as a high school teacher, basketball coach, chaplain, and college professor. He has taught hermeneutics and other subjects as an adjunct professor at William Jessup University. Kevin has authored several books: God Is My Guide, God’s Words for Life, Growing God’s Way, and Leading God’s Way. He is a regular speaker at churches, conferences, retreats, high schools, and other business organizations.
Kevin has been married for 25 years. He has an 14-year old son.